Saturday, June 22, 2013

How to do Hair Spa at Home? Steps for At Home Hair Spa

Hair spa today has become the most preferable treatment for damaged hair. If your hair looks malnourished, dry, brittle, and rough or with split ends, you are almost always advised to do hair spa treatment. However, a beauty parlour or hair salon might ask for a lot of money to make your hair look and feel good! Moreover, you need to have multiple sittings for your hair to get the desirable shine and strength. So, why not do hair spa at home?
Steps for At Home Hair Spa
There are 5 steps of hair spa- massaging, steaming, washing, conditioning and applying hair mask. As is obvious from these steps, we can easily do hair spa at home. At home hair spa is much cheaper as parlours will use branded hair cosmetics to do all these steps. More famous the brand, more will it cost. At home, you can use natural things to do hair spa. This will cost less and will be devoid of any chemicals that might harm your hair in the long run. Thus, At Home Hair Spa is easy to do, cheaper option and can be done regularly too! So let's know how to do hair spa at home!
Massaging Hair with Oil
At Home Hair Spa # 1 - Oil Massage
As the first step of hair spa at home, give a good massage to your hair with nourishing oil. This can be any one of the oils good for hair such as olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil. Massage the hair for about fifteen to twenty minutes.
Giving Steam to Oiled Hair
At Home Hair Spa # 2 -Hair Steaming
When you finish off with oil massaging, take some warm water and dip a towel in it. Squeeze and let out all the water from the towel. Now wrap this warm towel around your head covering all your hair. This helps oil penetrate deep into the scalp. This will take another 15-20 minutes.
Washing Hair with Shampoo
At Home Hair Spa # 3 - Shampooing
Now wash your hair with a mild shampoo. You can even let the oiled hair stay as it is for a night and wash the day after. If you are washing right away after steaming, remember to use lukewarm water for washing hair.

Applying Conditioner to Hair
At Home Hair Spa # 4 -Hair Conditioning
After shampooing, condition hair with a hair conditioner that suits your hair. You can even use natural hair conditioners like tea and lemon conditioner. For this, add tea leaves to boiling water and let it boil for another couple of minutes. Then strain it and let it cool down. Now take one lime and add its juice to the tea water. Rinse hair with this after shampooing. 
Applying Hair Mask
At Home Hair Spa # 5 -Hair Mask
The last step of hair spa is to apply hair mask to your hair. This gives the required nourishment to hair and makes it shine and look fabulous. You can always buy a hair mask but to cut down on cost and to get benefits of natural things, you might also use natural hair masks.
Egg hair mask is suitable for all types of hair. Mix two eggs with some coconut oil and make a smooth mixture out of it. Now apply this to hair while massaging. Take whole eggs for normal hair but only egg whites for oily hair and egg yolk for dry brittle hair. Cover the hair with warm towel again for about twenty minutes and then wash off with shampoo.

It was as simple as that! You have now successfully done hair spa at home! Repeat the above procedure to do hair spa once a week for about a month. Thereafter you can do it once a month or as required. Regular Hair Spa at home will make your hair soft, shining, strong, manageable and superbly textured!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

How to be a good marketing manager

In order to have a great and successful company/organisation you have to have a great marketing manager or a great marketing team. Often the failure to a company’s success is how ineffective there marketing efforts are.
To be a great marketing manager you have to be a great vision creator. They have to make a marketing plan and make it clear to everyone what the concept is. Also finding an “edge” on the product or the company that the manager is trying to sell is an important step. The marketing manager has to make the benefits of joining or buying the product that he or she is selling worth the trouble. It is essential that the marketing manager is an impeccable communicator so as to display their vision clearly to others, usually in a pitch.
”For example, a marketing manager with a clear vision may say to their advertising agency, “Our company will be selling a new product. This product will be more expensive than the competition, but it’s a more durable product and it’s easier to use – saving time and money. This is our edge in the marketplace when the agency receives this type of focused direction, they will have a clear picture of how to create effective marketing materials.”-Greg Stine.
It is important for the marketing manager to have a good ego. Although sometimes marketing managers have a tendency to be too arrogant and believe that there way is always the right answer. However, having a confident yet realistic vision of your self is essential to being a good marketing manager.
To be an exceptional marketing manager you have to have a great artistic eye. However, do not be fooled it is not the marketing managers job to make everything look pretty. That is for people trained in design. As the marketing manager is the person that knows most about the product and or company he or she will know if the design is right for them. For example; If you were selling girls baby clothes and your website was all black and dark a customer is not likely to buy something however if it was pink and filled with butterflies there is a much greater chance of a customer buying of your website. It is important that the marketing manager keeps up with their design skills as this is often another let down to various companies.
It is important that the marketing team or manager keeps up with what’s happening in the marketplace. They need to know what influences a person’s buying decisions. Making sure that you keep your customers happy by letting them know that their company that they have chosen to put their time and money into is interested in them is essential. Doing regular onsite visits to either their compony or customers, talking to people in the same field of products and talk to their sales people and understanding the customer and market is critical.

Marketing managers are usually always good at creating the big picture. They don’t always focus on the little tasks but instead what the end product is going to turn out and how that is then going to fit into the rest of their company and improve their marketing. It is important that marketing managers have a plan. Most managers cannot function properly without a proper plan. However, again it is important that the manager does not get caught up in the little details of making a plan. A brief outline of what needs to be done for the day is essential anything deeper than a simple to do list or plan is counterproductive.
The most important part of being the marketing manager is having a marketing plan. This is absolutely indispensable. The dictionary definition of a marketing plan is “A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions, a marketing plan without a sound strategic foundation is of little use.”-Wikipedia
A good marketing manager understands that it is not whether the product is better or superior, but whether it is perceived as better or superior. The marketing manager is always encouraged to celebrate a good sale or a success as this will create an eternal enthusiasm.
But of course the most important thing for any job is to have a positive attitude and a great deal of love and passion for the job that they are doing. You have to love being a sales person to be a great one.
Top ten salesman and marketing manager tips:
1. A Vision Creator
2. A Strong Ego
3. An Artistic Eye
4. Understands Their Market and Their Customers
5. Understands the Fundamentals of Branding, Marketing, and Advertising
6. A Big Picture Manager, Not a Micro-Manager
7. A Loose Planner
8. A Master of Internal Company Politics
9. In Control of the Budget
10. A Love of the Process

How to Be a Great Salesman

Don't bite the hand that feeds you. If you want to be a great salesman, study the craft, and master the art of serving your customers quickly and eloquently.


  1. 1
    Choose a good product, and price that sells it self. Expect the sale. Don't sell crap. Sell good quality products that you would want for yourself and your family. Make sure you have the edge on the competition with your price. More people are going to choose to pay less for the same thing when they can. When you have your bases covered here, you can expect to close every sale anytime you find someone with a buying attitude.Rarrrrr. smiley face
  2. 2
    Develop a personality that sells itself. Personality is everything in sales. People don't want to buy from people they don't like or trust. They want to give their business to someone they like, and they feel deserve their business. Someone like them!
  3. 3
    Create rapport with your customer. Study the craft and practice the art of "Mirror and Matching". By mirror and matching your customers physiology, tonality, and language, the customer feels a connection and senses that you understand them. This trust is the foundation for any meaningful communication between two people. Honor your customers' trust by making their best interest your first priority. You can't sell anyone anything without this trust and rapport. You can let them buy, but you can't influence them into purchasing a product that you know is going to serve them better. If they don't feel connected, and trusting of you, then they are all on their own in the buying process, and you have no say in the matter.
  4. 4
    Find out what your customer really wants and why they want it. Understand that people buy "things" as a means to an end. We don't buy cars, we buy to feel good about ourselves in the car we choose to drive. We don't buy printers, we buy to feel peace and harmony with electronics and good about the sound and educated decision we made. Allow your customer to lead early on in the phase when they are explaining what they want. "Well I want this..." "Why do you want that?" Have them point to the product that makes them feel good and ask them, what do you like about this one? Allow then to choose the product that they feel good about, getting to know your customer and their taste, and uncovering their real motivation for buying.
  5. 5
    Be an expert in your field. Know everything there is to know about your product, and your competitors products, so that you can justify to your customer why your recommended product is the right one for them. If you're not an expert in it, you can't really do your customer justice. This may take time to develop so early on when you first start working with a product, find a business associate who is an expert and allow them to mentor and teach you everything they know. Also do research on your own. Stay up and up on the latest and greatest in your field, and don't be afraid to change up your catalog, or even change jobs if it allows you to serve your customers the best of the best.
  6. 6
    Once you have determined the best solution for your customer, link the product to their motivation for buying, and put it in their language. Now that you have uncovered your customers' real motivation for buying, you want to link everything the customer said about what they want, to the product that is going to serve those needs the best. Pay close attention to your customers reaction (facial expressions and body language) as you pitch the product to them. Stay with them and if they show any resistance, ask them how they feel, and why they feel that way. Remember you are there to sell them whatever is going to make them feel really good about their purchase.
  7. 7
    When overcoming your customers' objections, use logical explanation, as a means to justify their emotional motivation. People like to think they make logical decisions that are rational, when in reality, every decision is based on emotion on the most fundamental level. So use the logical explanations on the surface to serve up the exact concoction of emotional motivation that they expressed they were looking for earlier on in the process.
  8. 8
    Ask for the sale. This is the most overlooked and most forgotten step, probably because a lot of sales people don't have the confidence in their ability to help their customers that they really need to have in order to help their customer. KNOW in your heart that you have suggested the best item for your customer, then you will have no problem finishing up the sale with a light questions like "Would you like me to load this up in a shopping cart for you?" or "Would you like me to bring this up to the check out stand for you while you continue your shopping?"...
  9. 9
    Sell the basket. After they give you the yes on the sale, ask them about all the add-ons to up your total ticket, and for their convenience. Remind them the benefit of convenience in buying these things now rather then later. "You're gonna need ink for your new printer, and paper too. How would you like to optimize your printers performance with a gold tip cable? etc..." Try and save them as much money in the process too by staying up on your companies sales and specials. Remember, treat every customer like you are selling to your mom, or sweet old grandma.
  10. 10
    Follow up. If you really want to be a great salesman. Go the extra mile. Remember, or write down the names and contact info of your customers, and follow up with them to make sure they are 100% happy with their purchase. This is how you turn customers into raving fans. This is how you get referrals from your customers, and promotions from your employer.

Setting Up A Flash Header In Blogger

For many bloggers who tried setting up their flash animation (.swf) file as their blog header, simply typing the <embed> code in the blog template just doesn't seem to work and probably there's no way for you to edit the header part of your blog in the Page Elements customization.

Now there's a simple way to have a flash header without much tweaking of your template's HTML code. Login your Blogger account and head on to Layout > Edit HTML. Before doing anything please backup your template first.

Find the following code (might look a bit different for some other templates):

    <div id='header-wrapper'>
    <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
    <b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Azure Haze (Header)' type='Header'/>

Change the no in showaddelement='no' to yes, this enables you to add gadgets on top of your header in the Page Elements customization in the future.

*optional*Change the number in maxwidgets='1' from 1 to any number you like if you want to setup more gadgets in the header part.

Remove the code coloured red, which is the current header you're using. Save template (you might be asked to confirm your Header1 deletion, just confirm) and head on to Page Elements.

Now you should be able to see the "Add a Gadget" box on the header part, click on it and add HTML/Javascript (if you don't see it, add the gadget from your sidebar, then shift it to the header).

Type in the <embed> code which looks like this (replace with the address of your .swf file):

    <embed src="" loop="false" height="240" width="1300"></embed>

Adjust the height and width number according to your flash size. The loop="false" code is to prevent your flash animation from repeating, so if you want your flash to be played repeatedly, remove that line. I'm pretty much sure you'll know how to deal with the rest of the code. Save the gadget and you're done.

If the flash is not in place, you might need to tweak the Header part of your template CSS stylesheet in Edit HTML that somewhat looks like this:

    /* Header

    #header-wrapper {
    float: left;
    width: 1300px;
    height: 240px;
    clear: right;
    background: no-repeat top left;

Remove the border line code to hide the header borders and do some adjustments to the CSS code to position the flash the way you like. That's all. Time to PIMP your blog, people!

How to SWF a Header in Blogger

A Flash header can be a dynamic, eye-catching addition to your blog. If you are using Blogger, the tools available to you within your layout editor may make you think that it's impossible to put a Flash header on your own site. But with a bit of tweaking, you can edit your template to support a Flash header. This type of customization should only be done by those who feel comfortable with editing HTML. You will also need somewhere to host your SWF file. Have a question? Get an answer from Online Tech Support now!
Other People Are Reading

    How to Upload an SWF File to Blogger
    How to Get a Blogger Header Image to Rotate Every Second



        Upload your Flash banner to your webhost or any hosting site of your choice. Write down or copy the full URL of the banner. You will also need to take note of the height and width of the banner (in pixels).

        Click on the "Layout" tab within your Blogger dashboard. Click the "Page Elements" link below the tab.

        Sponsored Links
            HTML Editor - Download

            Edit, format, validate, preview & publish HTML. Download now!

        Click "Add a Page Element." Select "HTML/Javascript" as your element type.

        Paste the following code into the Page Element text field. Change the URL and the height/width values to match that of your header.

        <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="150" width="500">

        Click "Save Changes."

        Enter the HTML editor for your blog's template. Delete the following code from the bottom of the template:

        <b:widget id='HTML1' locked='false' title='' type='HTML'/>

        Find this code block within the template editor:

        <div id='header-wrapper'>
        <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
        <b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Create a Flash header in Blogger (Header)' type='Header'/>

        Directly beneath the </div> tag, add the following code:

        <div id='subheader-wrapper'>
        <b:section class='subheader' id='subheader' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
        <b:widget id='HTML1' locked='false' title='' type='HTML'/>

        Find this code within the template editor:

        /* Headings
        ----------------------------------------------- */

        Directly above, paste in the following code:

        /* ----- FLASH HEADER ----- */

        #subheader-wrapper {
        margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
        padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
        min-width: 500px;
        max-width: 500px;
        min-height: 150px;
        max-height: 150px;


        Change the width and height values to match that of your header

How to Have Clear Skin Naturally

  1. Know your skin type. Different skin types need different types of care. It's very important to know what type of care you need to get the best methods for clearing your skin. Here are some different skin types and their descriptions:
    • Dry Skin. Dry skin usually has a dull appearance, feels dry and itchy and is sometimes sensitive. Dry skin must be hydrated regularly from the inside (with fresh water) and outside with (mists), as well as moisturized with rich hydrating creams or lotions.
    • Oily Skin. Oily skin usually looks slippery and shiny and has a greasy texture. This type of skin is prone to acne. Oily skin benefits from periodic herbal steam treatments and clay masks.
    • Normal Skin. This skin type is a gift. Not too oily and not too dry. Normal skin looks consistently plump, moist, and vibrant. What a great blessing but it still requires no less attention than other skin types. It benefits from regular cleansing, toning and moisturizing.
    • Most people have at least two different types of facial skin at any given time. The combination of skin is frequently characterized by an oily “T-zone” area, which covers the forehead, nose and chin. While the skin around the cheeks, eyes and mouth is normal or dry. These different types of skin call for different treatments, so people with combination skin should assess their skin regularly and use different products on different areas of the face.
  2. 2
    Drink water. Water cleanses your body, helping eliminate toxins. It also hydrates you and rids your skin of dirt and oils. Try to drink half your body weight in ounces (for example, if you weight 100 lbs, drink 50 ounces of water a day).
  3. 3
    Use natural cleansers. Facial cleansers with too many harsh chemicals can actually be harmful to your skin. Proactiv has been known to strip paint off of walls and bleach certain fabrics. Using natural, organic cleansers can help your skin clear up faster and can be much more effective than unnatural cleansers.
  4. 4
    Change your diet. Eat lots of fruits, nuts, seeds, beans etc. Eating healthy along with taking in the right vitamins can do wonders for your skin. Try going vegan for a week to see what it does for you.
    • Avoid eating meat, fish, eggs, fried foods, white flour and white sugar products, coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, including contraceptive drugs, and any other stimulating over-the-counter medicines.
  5. 5
    Wear less makeup. Wearing too much makeup will be damaging for your skin in the long run. Chances are people don't notice skin breakouts when they first see you. If you have to wear makeup, use natural and mineral makeup only.
  6. 6
    Don't stay in the sun for too long. Try not to go in the sun for long periods between 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. That time of day is when the sun's rays are their strongest. Sunlight on your skin is a great source of vitamin D but it it can also lead to wrinkles and skin cancer.
    • Remember to use NATURAL sunscreen, SPF 15 or higher.
  7. 7
    Exercise, around 15 minutes a day. Exercising properly can make your skin glow. Be sure to wash your face afterwards, sweat and dirt can clog your pores.
  8. 8
    Be sure to wash your face properly. Wash two or three times a day with a face wash, and sparingly follow-up with the toner directly on the affected areas. When washing your face, especially when washing off make-up, splash on cold water first as it helps to tighten the pores. Then apply your cleanser or mild soap and rinse with warm water. Follow-up with a quick cold water splash. Warm water opens up and loosens the pores of your skin. People do not realize that when rinsing the face with warm water, the pores open-up and are exposed to the bacteria, dirt, and make-up build-up, which can absorb further into the pores or can get smudged around the face through the washing process. Washing in such a way only spreads the germs and does not effectively eliminate unwanted dirt and build-up. Splashing the face first with cold water contracts the pores, sealing them off from further contamination, thus facilitating the complete removal of dirt and build-up without contributing to the spreading of dirt and bacteria. Rinsing with cold water after washing tightens the pores to seal them off from further exposure.
  9. 9
    Drinking three cups per day of organic red clover tea as a natural blood purifier can help your acne clear up. Besides purifying the blood, there are dietary suggestions one can follow that can facilitate a quick recovery from outbreaks of acne. Eat a diet high in Vitamins A, B-complex, and C ,or if need be, take daily oral doses of these vitamins. A study by Dr. Samuel Bluefard of Northwestern University found that "a combination of one gram of vitamin C, orange juice-plus 100,000 units of vitamin A administered daily benefits adolescent acne."
  10. 10
    For deep blemishes and long term infections, try diluted apple cider vinegar. Lavender oil can also be used as an effective anti-acne facial steam by diluting a couple drops in a hot pot of water, covering your head with a towel, and then by placing your face over the pot. The lavender steam opens up the pores and is antiseptic.

How to Get Clear Skin in 1 Week

Most people have a phase of their life when their skin doesn't look its best. Not everybody can afford a dermatologist, and commercial products may take too long to soften your skin. If you want clear skin cheaply in one week, then keep reading. These tips may not help everyone, so don't get discouraged if it doesn't help you. There are plenty of other solutions.


  1. 1
    Run a wash cloth under hot water and immediately press it onto your face. The water and steam will really help clean out the dirt from your pores. Be careful that the water is not too hot when doing this.

  2. 2
    Wash your hands well with an antibacterial soap. You can't wash your face effectively with dirty hands. You're merely putting all the germs on your hands onto your face, which sadly, won't get you anywhere. If you have a cleanser (or just some good antibacterial soap), wash your face after you remove the cloth. This time, apply the cleanser without wetting your face first. Make a tiny "puddle" in your hands, squirt the cleanser in the puddle, put your hands together and wash your face. Don't rinse your face in cold water afterwards, just rinse in warm water and pat dry, but not completely dry. This is obviously your cleansing part. If you don't have cleanser, then just use plain water.

  3. 3
    Get 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of water. Stir so its like a thin paste, and add one more tablespoon of sugar. Stir again and drain out some of the water. Then get your hands wet and then rub them on your face so you have a little bit of water on your face. Then scoop up the sugar and water and put it on one of your cheeks. Scoop again and put it on the same cheek. Then rub the sugar in circular motions on your cheek for 60 seconds. Then rinse off and repeat for the other cheek and forehead. This is your exfoliator.

  4. 4
    After you wash your face, get about 10 drops of lemon juice on your hands. Smear on your face for 10 seconds, but be careful, lemon juice is strong and if it burns only keep it on for 3 seconds. It breaks down the dirt in your pores that the cleanser missed. This is your "toner".

  5. 5
    Last but not least, splash cold water on your face. The reason this is last is because if you weren't following the directions earlier and splashed cold water on your face, your pores will have closed. The water is like a key to your pores; hot water unlocks, cold water locks. Doing all of these steps with open pores will get almost all of the dirt and bacteria out, thus keeping your skin clear. Doing this everyday for a week will bring you happy, healthy, pretty skin!

Edit Tips

  • Even when you get clear skin, its a pretty good idea to stick to this routine every night so you can be sure that you'll keep your skin clear. After a while the routine doesn't seem like much (it really isn't) and you'll be looking forward to it!
  • Don't forget to moisturize your skin - especially if you are prone to dry skin, or depending on the weather. Use an SPF of 15 or higher whenever possible. Your future, younger looking self will be thankful.
  • Depending on your skin type, you might not have clear skin in a week, but your skin will look better.
  • Don't pick on your face too much while having pimples! This can cause scars and create more spots from the oil on your hands.
  • Don't touch your face consistently as it will transfer bacteria which could increase the amount of spots you get.
  • Eat your recommended five portions of fruits and vegetables a day.
  • Get enough sleep at night, as the skin renews itself while you are sleeping.
  • Drink at least 5 cups of water a day to flush out toxins and extra oils. It will help boost the effect.
  • Do some exercise every day.
    • Wash away any sweat after exercising - it could mix with oil and cause breakouts.
  • Wash your face everyday with warm water and remember to put some face cream on your face.
  • If you take really warm/hot showers that give off steam then that will open up pores too.
  • If you don't want to make the sugar paste, wet your face and the sugar in your palm. The granules don't melt as fast and it exfoliates just as well, if not better!
  • Don't use toothpastes, it will only make a scar spear on your face. Once the spot is gone so there is no point really.
  • for smooth skin smear olive oil on ur face once a week, and also yogurt facials are parfait (perfect in French) for acne and pimple inflamation.
  • Get rid of your spots and then put on makeup like foundation.
