Sunday, March 24, 2013

How To Be Charismatic

How To Be Charismatic


While the ones who don’t really need to take too much pain to seem charismatic can be considered fortunate, this does not necessarily mean that a person looking to be charismatic cannot do so on one's own accord. Being charismatic is extremely subjective. What quality may seem charismatic to one person may not seem too charismatic to another. For example, one person may find another with a lot of confidence extremely charismatic, while another person may find an individual with undertones of confidence extremely charismatic. However, when you look at charisma from an extremely general angle, there are certain rules that everyone should play by. It is playing by these general rules that can make a person seem extremely charismatic. Go ahead and read on to unearth a handful of guidelines that can help you arrive at a plateau of charisma. When putting these ways of being charismatic to the test, try not to pay too much attention to detail. Learn to be still while trying to take it easy all the way to the top of your game.
Being Charismatic
Relax Your Way To The Top
If you are looking to be charismatic, then the first and foremost thing that you have to do is to actually learn to relax. Some people try too hard to be charismatic, but only end up making a fool of themselves. This is not something that you would want to do. So, in order to work on your charisma, learn from the mistakes of others and relax. When you master the art of relaxing in a social setting, you automatically exude charisma. It’s a known fact that people love to be around people who are calm and composed. Learn to channelize peace and tranquility to everyone you know and meet. This will help you seem extremely calm and a lot more attractive. With a personality of this sort, apart from wanting to be with you, people may even aspire to be like you.
Confidence Concerns
While being confident can be easily mistaken for being charismatic, there is a very distinct difference between being confident and being charismatic. Charisma is that quality that makes you seem like you have an extremely attractive personality, and confidence is that quality that adds to your charisma. Appearing confident can make you seem extremely charismatic, because your confidence apart from acting like a magnet will also help put the others around you at ease and create in them a desire to be around you. Here, however, you will have to take a lot of care to stay away from going overboard, because while confidence is one thing, overconfidence is a different thing altogether and it’s that one quality that no one can really be fond of.
Dish Out Attention
In order to seem charismatic, it is important to listen and pay attention. When you manage to do this your charisma quotient automatically reaches new heights. You can pull off attention tactics by simply listening to what people have to tell you and talk as less as possible. However, when you actually do talk, make sure you talk sense and make sure the words that are coming out of your mouth are the kind of words that the other person would want to listen to. Make it a point to smile while you are talking. This will help add quite a lot of appeal to your personality.
Be Considerate
You are truly a considerate person when you treat others around you just the way you would want to be treated. You wouldn’t want to be discriminated against under any grounds, so then there is no reason why you should treat one person differently from the other. Exercise this behavior pattern in your day-to-day life and watch how people are attracted to you like bees are to honey.

How To Become Smarter

How To Become Smarter


We all are inherited with a smart mind. But improving it a step forward towards a smarter mind is what we have to work on. For a mind not kept active will become less alert and lose its brilliance and intelligence in due course of time. Just like a broken arm, when freed from the sling after a couple of weeks, takes time to get back to its original functionality, the same is the case with your brain. The kind of exercise you provide to your physical body, your mind demands the same implementation and training. When left aside and idle for a while, your brain tends to become inactive and less energetic. Thus, to become smarter than the smart and the smartest, you have to pep up your mind in the right route. After all, it’s not the same as wearing the best clothes or portraying a know-it-all kind of image. Find tips on how to become a smarter person by glancing through the tips listed herein.
How To Get Smarter
Exercise Your Brain
Just like you workout to build and strengthen your muscles, your brain, too, requires proper exercises to sharpen itself. Often, it is assumed to be a useless body part, but this is not true. As such, whenever you are engaging yourself in some activities, you are exercising your brain. Consider practicing activities, such as puzzles, crafts, reading, painting, gardening, and other recreational activities that will refresh and rejuvenate you and your mind, in particular.
Read Quality Books
Most of us love reading. But we often end up reading fiction, suspense, or romantic books. However, these books do not mentally stimulate us. So, if you really want to improve your thinking and writing skills, pick up books that force you to really focus. Read a classic novel that changes your perspective towards this world and exposes you to precise, elegant English. Do not feel shy to pick up new words and find their meanings. This, in turn, will make you smarter with a more comprehensive vocabulary. Make reading fun as well as useful.
Avoid The Idiot Box
What do we do after a long tiring working day? Pick up a bag of chips and a can of cola only to land up in front of the television. Though there is no problem with refreshing yourself while watching a reality or a talk show, it doesn’t really put your mental capacity into use. Further, watching television continuously does not relax you, instead, it exhausts you. Hence, pick up a book or magazine when you want to relax. Or, switch off the idiot box when you have friends or acquaintances around and indulge in a conversation instead.
Learn A Foreign Language
Researches indicate that learning an unknown foreign language boosts brain power. Quite smart, indeed, right! Learning and understanding the foreign culture through the language induces your brain to implement its muscles.  
Identify Your Qualities
All of us have had our share of several idols and dream jobs during childhood. A scientist, a social worker, an airhostess, a 40-wheel lorry driver, an astronaut, or even a rock star! But, in reality, how many of us are really able to convert our childhood dreams into a reality? Probably, just one out of hundred. That’s because to move onto their paths, we need to understand the values, commitment, and endless efforts to meet the requirements and achieve our goals. However, this should not be mixed with our idols. For if we try to imitate our idols, we will only land up making a fool out of ourselves and not creating a niche amongst the rest. Hence, it is important to identify your qualities and be yourself rather than being others.

How To Become Popular

How To Become Popular


“When I grow up, I want to be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies” – Pussycat Dolls.
You don’t need to be rich or wealthy or a celebrity to be popular. You can be popular in own way, with your own sense of style and personality. Popularity is relative to that of others. People are just born popular or they acquire them through the days. There is one thing you need to be popular, to believe in yourself and decide that it doesn’t matter what it takes for you to get there. Nobody will admit to hating the attention for whatever the reason – maybe they look good, or they have an attractive smile or they dress well or seen in the famous nightclubs. But if you have none of these qualities and are sick of being ignored, then its time you pull up your socks and read about some the tips you could use to raise your popularity one level higher!
Becoming Popular 
  • Be polite. Don’t act like a bully and try to interact with everyone. Everyone’s decisions are important. Also, use less violent actions while eating, drinking, laughing etc. Don’t brag about yourself. No one cares that much! Stop making annoying noises and irritating people with your fake actions.
  • Observe people who you’d like to be as popular as. It could be your friend or a famous person. Either way, watch how they move about and interact with others and what they say. If you like how a celebrity dresses then cut out their photos then incorporate this kind of wardrobe into your own. You don’t have to wear the exact same thing if you’re not comfortable in it, but something of that kind would do wonders.
  • Step out of your comfort zone. Learn a little about the people you are going to meet, bring a few jokes to entertain the crowd and generally make conversation with people around you. Most importantly listen to the other person, as you’d like them to listen to you. A bold approach will be your best try!
  • Help anyone you see. Being popular is not so much about looking good, as it is about feeling good. When walking down the road, if someone drops something, be the first one to help them. At a club, if someone is talking to you about their problems listen and try to find a resolve. It could just be a small thought that counts.
  • More adventurous? Date someone popular in school. Suggest you go on a nice romantic movie and maybe it’ll turn out to be a long lasting relationship after all. So you would’ve got what you wanted (popular!) and you will be totally in love!
  • Use your common sense while you dress up! Dress like you mean it - uncomfortable clothes only make people laugh at you. It doesn’t matter what kind of dress you’re wearing, make sure you are comfortable. Wearing short clothes in the cold winter is not going to make you or anyone around you feel better.
  • Approach a gathering with a casual attitude. Try not to involve yourself in controversies and don’t make small talk behind someone’s back. No one thinks that’s cool especially if they’ve trusted you to act differently.
  • At the end of all this, be yourself. Don’t lose that special quality about you. Have the courtesy to smile at others and look confident even if you are not. The rest will automatically follow.

How To Deal With Jealousy

How To Deal With Jealousy


Like love, joy, happiness, hate, and anger, jealousy is also an integral part of human nature. Human nature is molded with both strength and weakness, and jealousy is one of the most potent weaknesses. The potency of jealousy arises from the fact that it is a double-edged sword.  Not only does jealousy harm others, but it also wounds the self. There is perhaps no person who has never felt jealous in his/her life. For one thing jealousy arises out of an inherent dissatisfaction with the self. When a person is dissatisfied, it breeds the ground for insecurity. And an insecure person will always look upon others with fear and envy. This proves to be a fertile ground for jealousy to move and spread its tentacles. The human consciousness is such that no matter how mighty a person is, he/she will look at everyone who is strong with jealous eyes. But jealousy is most manifest in matters of love. As an Arab proverb goes “Love sees sharply, hatred sees even more sharp, but jealousy sees the sharpest for it is love and hate at the same time”. Yes, jealousy is a potent mixture of love and hate, which makes it almost impossible for all humans to escape from its clutches. While healthy jealousy helps a person to move forward and achieve his desires and wishes, the concern arises when the feeling of jealousy turns unhealthy, which is when it must be nipped in the bud. Each one of us should develop the ability to deal with jealousy so that we don’t become a slave to its whims. Given below in the article are various tips on how you can deal with your jealous feelings.
Dealing With Jealousy
  • Imagine treating a person of an illness when you do not know what the cause behind it is! Just like this is impossible, in the same way dealing with jealousy is as well impossible when you do not know the cause. Find out the root cause of your jealousy. This will help you to deal with it in a better manner. There can be several reasons of jealousy. Once you identify the reason, you can then take steps to overcome it.
  • Insecurity is the underlying cause of jealousy. The insecurity, in turn, is because of low self esteem. So, in order to stem your jealousy, you have to build your self confidence. Improve on your weak areas so that you feel better about yourself. You should remember that everybody has faults and that no one is perfect. The art is to enhance the positives in such a way that the negatives do not loom out large.
  • Many a times we give so much importance to the negative experiences in our life that they tend to shape our future judgments and sometimes, our future as well. However, no matter howsoever depressing things have become, don’t let your sanity go down the drain. Make reasonable judgment and take fair decisions so that you do not feel jealous later on.
  • In case you have loyalty issues with your partner and are jealous with the number of friends that he/she has, know that it is time you act maturely. Have trust in your partner. Any assumptions that you make regarding your partner should be based upon your good judgment and facts. Above all, have faith in your partner and stop getting swayed by every little misunderstanding.
  • When jealousy fills the soul, then the focus stays solely on the person whom you are jealous of. Try to divert the focal point to yourself and give more attention to self. When you focus on yourself or your work, you will be less preoccupied in getting jealous of others.
  • Do you feel less glamorous? Are you jealous with the way the other person has climbed the success ladder? Do you think of yourself as less gifted or less talented by any manner? If yes, then it is time you change your mental self image. This will not only help you to boost your confidence, but also abate your jealous feelings.
  • Another very common cause of jealousy is fear. Deal with your fears and get over them as soon as you can. The fear can range from anything, right from breakup to shame. So, conquer your fear so that you don’t have to resort to jealous feelings.
  • Don’t hide your insecurities. Insecurities regarding anything can give rise to jealous feeling. Identify the areas in which you are insecure about and deal with it. The best way in which you can deal with your insecurities is to talk about it. Reason with yourself and talk to people who can give you a sympathetic ear.
  • Whenever you find yourself getting all green with envy, try to look at the situation from a different angle. Think of events differently. In this way, you will realize that your first impression of the subject is not the best one.

How To Not Be Shy

How To Not Be Shy


Being shy suits only the women. Or that’s what the ancient warrior world believed. But not anymore though! The world now knows the difference between shyness and delicacy. And the act of stuttering and stammering in company of people is not classy anymore. Grace is the new class and confidence is in. And all those people who get tongue tied with people around them, they lose out the best this world has to offer - be it the best men, women or even conversations. The world today has little patience for shyness and so people who are shy, tend to get left out in the general race of the world. And that is not a pleasant feeling. But that definitely doesn’t mean that you sulk around and sob in a corner. Because if shyness stagnates you, sulking pulls you down and buries you in self-pity. So take matters in your hand, follow a few good advices listed below and transform yourself to that social birdie you’ve always wanted to be.
Overcoming Shyness
Know Yourself
Know your strengths and weaknesses. After all, what’s the point of having good listening skills if you are not aware of the same? A good self-knowledge would make you more self aware and confident in company of other people. Also, it would give a boost to your self esteem and sense of self worth.
Self Consciousness Vs Self Awareness
Pointing out and constantly thinking about your weaknesses is being conscious. What you need to practice is acceptance. Accept your weaknesses and be aware of them. That would make you more comfortable in your skin. The more you are aware of your own self, the more relaxed you will be, as you would explicitly know what you are capable of and what not.  
Learn To Like Yourself
Liking comes with acceptance. You cannot keep pinpointing your failures to yourself. That is unfair. You must start realising that you are likeable and most importantly, a unique individual. Turn to your close friends and family to know what they like about you and maybe you’ll know what makes you so important in their life. You need not conform to rules. Love yourself and in no time you would shed off those shy robes and get comfortable socially.
Get Inspired
Observe the people that you like and gauge what it is about them that you like so much. This is the best way to get inspired and rid yourself of the shyness syndrome. People whom you admire have this intrinsic quality to transforming your life without doing much. Just stay close to such people and who knows you might just be like them!
Visualize & Practice
Think of situations and imagine your responses to them. Visualize yourself walking into a room full of people you may or may not know. Come up with situations and think of your responses to them. Take the help of past encounters and situations for this. Practicing in front of the mirror is another way to come out of the shell and get interactive.
Escapism Is Bad
Never escape a situation because you are feeling shy. Don’t just run away when caught in the spotlight. That’s the worse you can do to yourself. Try to make most of what you can do and bow out gracefully from the scene, instead of making a run for it. Remember, a gracefully handled situation is always better than an escaped one. Your conscience would never forgive you for escapism!
Mythical Perfection
Nobody is perfect and you must understand it. Everyone errs and it’s only when you err that you learn so stop brooding about all those times you slipped on spilled wine in a room full of eligibles. It happens to everyone, so you don’t really have to be singularly paranoid about it.
Accept Rejection
Many a times, it happens that you are amidst a group of people who have sworn by to keep away from you. In such times, feeling rejected and dejected is natural. However, the trick is not to take this rejection personally. Instead, find a lesson from it and move on.
Practice Social Skills
Sociability is a skill and it is the acquired type. You can practice being social by putting yourself out there and by practicing what to say ahead of time. You might do blunders for a couple of times initially, but that doesn’t mean you stop trying. Learn from your mistakes and go ahead and socialize more. Only then you would turn to a perfect social birdie you always aimed to be.
Ask Yourself
Am I breathing? Am I relaxed? Am I moving with grace? Am I looking good? Have I done full justice to the party do’s and don’ts? If the answer to all the above question is a confident ‘Yes’, then what is stopping you from having fun at the party. However, in case you are not sure about any of the questions, just make way to the washroom, look at the mirror and say yourself ‘I look gorgeous/handsome’. This would give an instant boost to your confidence. Return to the party and mix with people.
What is Comfortable for You?
Hanging out in bars and clubbing every night is not really everybody’s cup of tea. Just be wherever you are comfortable. If your idea of an outing is a picnic and road trip, then do it and make sure you go out with different, but reliable, groups every time. Do not get worked up if you are Bryan Adams lover stuck in a rockers’ company. Just be yourself and you would be surprised that people would in fact love your individuality!
Make More Friends
Nothing beats this one. The more people you meet, the more exposure you get and that in turn makes you super confident. More people means more points of view, more exchange of information and hence more knowledge and social skills. Also, more people would mean hanging out with different groups and shedding off those inhibitions forever!
Work On Your Body Language
Only twenty percent of the conversation comprises of the verbal one. The rest eighty percent is body language. Study and observe the people you like and then see what is it that make their body language likeable. However, that doesn’t mean you compromise your individuality and copy someone. You can develop your own style according to your comfort. The general idea here is that body language is extremely important, so make sure you don’t ignore that detail. Have a good and confident posture and even your walk must be composed and elegant one. Once this is achieved, you would feel the confidence levels rising within you.

How To Be Attractive

How To Be Attractive

Attractiveness is one compelling desire that lies at the bottom of everyone’s heart. And it is not only women who have a fascination for looking attractive. The female species may be more susceptible to this aspect, but even guys harbor this dream, though it is rare to find one pruning and preening in public. Thus, it can be safely said that trying to look the best is one of the fundamental natures of the human race. However, the fact remains that though how hard one may try, not everyone is lucky enough to be attractive. When it comes to looking attractive, almost everyone goes for the shell, or the exterior look. Most of us think that bearing a beautiful or gorgeous or handsome physical self is the key to being attractive. Nonetheless, what we must always keep in mind is that physical charm is not the only factor for attractiveness, and that much depends on the inner beauty as well. One may look as stunning as a goblin/fairy, but if he/she is not balanced with the inner self, then even if people are attracted initially, the charm won’t last long. That is why makeup is not the answer when one wants to be attractive to others. Given below in the article are various tips on how one can be attractive to others. Read further to know more.
Tips On Being Attractive
  • Confidence is the best sign of attractiveness. If you do not love yourself, then the inner beauty won’t be revealed, no matter how beautiful you may be. So, the first step towards being beautiful is to love oneself.
  • Don’t pretend what you are not. This will make you look fake, and you must know that fakeness is not at all attractive. Be yourself and try to be comfortable in your personality.
  • Take proper care of yourself. A healthy body and mind will never cease to be attractive. Eat well, sleep well and exercise so that you remain energetic throughout the day. Remember, people are attracted to those who give out positive vibrations and not others.
  • The skin is the billboard of attractiveness. Smooth and glowing skin can make anyone look attractive. Rid your skin of blemishes, wrinkles and sunspots and you will find that you look more attractive. And when you look more attractive, you will definitely feel more attractive.
  • Needless to say, without proper hygiene, beauty will go in vain. Maintain your body so that it stays fresh. Last of all that you need is a stinking self to attract others.
  • No matter where you are, always look your best. Your every movement should carry grace and style. Know how to bear yourself in style, so that even if you are wearing pajamas, you can look your best.
  • Attractiveness counts a lot on modesty and humbleness. Know that a nice person is infinitely more attractive than a rude one. Be nice to whomever you meet and do not portray yourself as an arrogant person who cares only about his/her own self.
  • A smile can brighten the darkest heart. A smile lights up the face and lends an aura that is bound to attract everyone. A frown, on the other hand, doesn’t enhance anyone’s beauty. Bear in mind, a smile can make even the plainest looking person glamorous. So bring out that contagious smile of yours and attract everyone you meet. However, nothing is more of a turn off than a fake smile; so take care to make your smile come from the heart.
  • Don’t remain distant from people. Those who join in with others, either dancing or playing, are fun to be had as company. So, if you willingly participate with others, people will see you as an open person and they will surely find you attractive in many ways.
  • Always speak well. The way in which you speak will determine how people think of you. Articulate your words well and speak slowly, without rushing. Your attractiveness will very well depend on how you communicate.

How To Be Creative

How To Be Creative


Creativity is a natural talent that is valued in many areas of human activities. Be it a scientist, a writer, an artist, or a chef, all of them share one thing in common, and that is creativity. However, can creativity be ever taught? Well, this is a rather difficult question with no direct answer. Of course, there is no course on creativity and definitely creativity can’t be spoon fed in school or colleges. But, those who are creative have an ability to perceive things around them in a different ways than other people. And that is the quality that sets them apart from the crowd. Plus, creative people do things because they love to do it. A masterpiece is born when the artist feels true passion towards his art. However, if you are ready to change your outlook and perceive things around you in a different way, you may become creative as well. If you really wish to know how to become creative, then here are some tips to your aid.
Being Creative
  • Limit your resources and tools that will help you to produce creative outputs. Limiting resources forces you to create things with whatever is available in your hands. The more limited resource you have, the better you will learn to utilize them and come up with new ideas and innovations.
  • Feedback and criticism are good, but only to a certain extent. Most of the time, a negative feedback or criticism can make you disheartened and you may give up easily. So don’t listen to feedback, instead follow your own path. Don’t let criticism take over your creativity. Finish your work and then share it with everybody.
  • Remember that people might not take your creativity seriously or will show resistance to your ideas. This is common because people usually are resistant to anything new. They prefer things the way they are and if you come up with an idea that opposes their belief, they might get resistant and criticize you. However, don’t get carried away with negative feedback and criticism, instead follow your own set path.
  • Most creative people ignore trends. If you truly want to be creative, ignore the trends and let your mind go free. If you really want to do something don’t follow the trends. Come up with your own idea instead of following a particular genre.
  • Spend some time alone. You don’t have to become antisocial, but quiet surrounding helps you to focus more on your work.
Creativity Exercises
  • Take a picture and try to write a few lines about the picture. Try to think out of the box and write something funny or interesting about it.
  • Play word association games. You can either play with a friend or alone. Write down a word and then write down a related word that comes to your mind.
  • Write down some basic questions on a paper. For example, what is your name, what you did last night, etc. then try to answer the questions with a song lyric. To make it more interesting, you can ask a friend to ask the questions to you and you can answer by singing a line from a song that fits the question.
  • Take a familiar outline and then come up with sketches to fit the idea. You can also ask a friend to doodle a line and then draw cartoons on the line. You may even try to build a story line with all the cartoons you have drawn.

Important Values In Life

Important Values In Life


Life is one adrenaline filled roller coaster ride. At one moment you are cruising towards the sky, while on the very next your heart comes to your mouth as you hurtle down empty space. Such ups and downs are an integral part of life and we can do nothing about it, but only hope to make them better. In this, more than the material comforts, it is the mindset that can turn the life for better or for worse. Such mindsets that work as a catalyst or as unspoken rules can be called as values. Life will go on, if you have values or not, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that only values can draw the line between humans and animals, angels and devils, the good and the bad. Everyone holds certain values that he/she follows, but the difference arises in how strictly one adheres to those values. No one can force values on others and one must inculcate certain values in their life not only for themselves, but also to better the world. Read the article given below to know some of the most important values in life.  
Personal Values Of Life
Honesty can be considered to be the most important value in life. Honesty is the foundation from which all the other values find their footing on and the enrichment to grow. Honesty is not only recognizing one’s mistake, but taking every step to avoid that mistake. So, more than any one, it is to yourself that you must admit that you have made a mistake. An honest person will always accept the consequence of his/her mistake with good grace. Not for nothing is it said that “honesty is the best policy”, as the success of all values depend on how one follows them with honesty.
Compassion is not only taking care of your fellow beings, but in empathizing with them. Anyone can donate money and materials for the needy, but know that satiating monetary or material needs doesn’t show compassion. Compassion is when one goes out of the way to help those in need, giving them his/her time and energy. Understanding the situation of the desperate and coming out with solutions is another way you can show your compassion. A compassionate person will not only show compassion against his/her fellow beings, but also towards all creatures big and small.
Life without discipline is like a car with a drunk driver. That is, without discipline, one goes through life erratically, bumping here and there and sometimes crashing all together. Discipline is not routine per say, but the acceptance of responsibility. It can be said that a discipline person is a responsible person. Unlike routine, which is just a monotonous repetition of certain activities, discipline is the act of balancing fun and work and coming out with exceptional results, both professionally and personally.
Love is the most important value that opens the heart and the mind. The concept of love here encompasses everyone. To love one’s friends and family is natural and easy. It is to love those who are unlikely to deserve your love that counts. Love will help you to see others in a new light, to see what is the best in them, and appreciate for who they are and the qualities they possess. When you open yourself to love, you will find that you are more at ease and have more faith in the world.
One can never hope to love people unless one cultivates a respect for them. Thus, without respect no other values can seek to attain a toe hold. When one develops respect for people, it helps in understanding the positive aspects of them. Remember that the more respect that you give to people the more respect you will get in return

Qualities Of A Hero

Qualities Of A Hero


The protagonist of a random movie is surrounded by ten goons in a particular scene in the movie. The goons have in their possession the hero’s bike and are challenging the hero to fight them for it. In the flash of an eye, the hero beats up the ten goons and retrieves his bike. Now is he really a hero? If someone were to replicate his reel acts in reality, would he automatically be considered a hero? Fortunately for the whole world, he wouldn’t, and this is mostly because becoming a hero is more than a silly fight with a couple of ‘baddies’. A hero in order to truly be considered as one should prove his mettle. A hero should have what it takes to pass in flying colors the test that can be best described as ‘life as we know it’. Go ahead and read on to know what it takes to become a hero and etch your name in the memories of the people you know and the people who know you. 
Characteristics Of A Hero 
For a hero, courage is as important as a shell is to a tortoise. Without courage, a hero is just as vulnerable as any other man walking down the street. Courage here stands to signify that firmness of the spirit and ‘mettle’ of the soul to stare at danger and trouble right in the eye. Courage here stands to signify the valor it takes to overcome adversities and adversaries. It’s like a soldier rushing into battle knowing well that death awaits him. In all reality, this is what courage is all about!
A hero does not become a hero by simply beating up a thousand goons and riding into the sunset victoriously with his lady love. If this was all it took to become a hero, every other Romeo beating up rivals and stealing away his love in the still of the night can be branded a hero. It really is more than that! Sacrifice is what helps a mere mortal make that journey from a mediocre life to one filled with greatness. Sacrifice, by definition, can be described as the giving up of something highly valued for a purpose of greater importance. Thus, in order to achieve greatness and the status of a hero, it is extremely essential for an individual to sacrifice. 
A hero cannot be considered one, if he possesses a will as bendable as a tube of rubber. A hero truly becomes just that when he exercises his will or determination to come out on top at any cost. Determination can be best described as a hero’s resolve or firmness of purpose to achieve what his heart desires most. It’s all about staying focused and not resting until the task on hand is executed. In life it may not be easy to achieve any given thing, but it is with determination that a man can ultimately achieve what he desires most and turn himself into a champion. 
Conviction here does not refer to a person’s skill at convincing another, but it rather refers to a person’s firm belief in any particular thing. It can refer to an unshakeable way of looking at life and all its variables. In a way, the convictions that a man holds can go a long way in determining if he has what it takes to become a hero. In fact, no man can truly become a hero, if he does not possess conviction that is impenetrable as well as unbending.  
Do you think that a person can make a man out of himself without being dedicated to any particular thing in life? Obviously not! This is because in life in order to enjoy a permanent taste of success it is extremely important to exercise dedication. If you desire to master an instrument, you have got to be dedicated to master it and shouldn’t really rest until you do. True dedication shouldn’t be forced; it in fact is the direct result of true desire. It is this dedication that can help distinguish a man as a hero.

Fear Of Talking

Fear Of Talking


Fear in any form can be terrifying and paralyzing, be it the fear of failure, fear of the unexpected or the fear of losing a loved one. Fear, in general, is unhealthy. However, if we are unable to control our fears, eventually they start taking complete control on us, thereby weakening us emotionally, mentally and physically as well. Hence, the best way to overcome our fear is by mastering it and preventing it from controlling us. The fear of talking, whether on the phone or in public, has become a common problem seen in most people nowadays. Not only does it stop the person from contacting loved ones, it also blocks work and business opportunities, causing anxiety and distress. The fear of talking results in delay in picking up important calls and delivering speeches in public. Does the problem sound similar to what you are facing? Looking for ways to overcome this problem? Scroll these lines to find tips on overcoming the fear of talking on the phone as well as in public.
Overcoming Fear Of Talking
Phone Calls
  • Make a note of all the conversation that you would be talking on the phone. Most people are scared about forgetting what they intend to say to the other person on the phone. The best way to deal with this is to write down all that you will speak. This would help ease all your worries.
  • Most people panic when they receive a rude phone call, as they do not know how to react to such calls. In such a case, ask your friend to behave like one of those people. He/she might enact the way your boss or the bill collector does. Practice your responses in order to better behave when the actual call rings.
  • If you are into a marketing job where you have to promote various products to strangers, it is natural to get anxious about the questions that the customers would pour in. Hence, gather all the possible knowledge about your product to speak confidently and answer the questions accordingly.
  • While making calls to an unknown person, some people fear that the person on the other end would respond negatively or start cross questioning. To overcome such a situation, prepare for the negative reaction in advance.
  • Always make a call when you feel comfortable rather than talking when the person feels better. Do not worry about the time that you would be calling, simply focus on your comfort level. For example, if you are a morning person, it is best to make calls in the morning rather than when you are dull.
Public Speaking
  • Always pick up a topic that you are comfortable with, such as sports, television, fashion or anything that interests you and puts you on the front. Gather all the possible extensive knowledge on that subject.
  • While speaking, always look at the audience and make eye contact. Though this is the basic rule of public speaking, it takes considerable time for a person to get adjusted. Many new speakers always look over the heads of the audience or at the floor or ceiling.
  • Never ever converse with the first friendly face that you find in a gathering. Try and make efforts to talk to everyone present. Eye contact plays a vital role here in keeping the audience glued to your talk.
  • Practice speaking by recording your speech in a small tape player and listening to it later on. Initially, you will be surprised to hear to your voice but with time, you will love to hear it.
  • While recording your voice, start looking into a mirror reflecting how you project yourself in front of the audience. This will give you an idea of what gestures and expressions you pose to your listeners and how you can work on them so as to improve.

Self Motivation Techniques

Self Motivation Techniques


Are you one of those often caught daydreaming at work? Why is it that you have a number of ways to improve, but hesitate to act on? Do you find yourself subject to lack of self motivation at times? Although you are a motivated person in general, at times, you have a hard time working on an important task. This is where self motivation techniques come to your rescue. Though there are numerous ways to improve your self motivation, only a few are highly useful. Self motivation is the most efficient way of improving your confidence and self-esteem. Apart from giving you strength to achieve your goals, it brings about a change in your personality and character as well. Self motivation is required in every aspect of life, be it career, social life, relationship, health, spirituality or personality development. Given here are some secrets of self motivation that can help you accomplish your goals and tasks in a more effective manner.
Secrets Of Self Motivation
Set Goals
A major mistake made by most people is that they set their goals only in “mind”. And anything out of mind turns out to be out of sight. Hence, make a note of all the goals that you intend to achieve, before you sleep in a notepad and place it right in front of you. Every morning when you wake up, a look at the notepad would remind you of the targets. Moreover, make realistic goals that can be achieved. Unset goal in life is like starting a business without having a capital to invest.
Stay Focused
Another problem with most people is that they get influenced by other people easily. Often, people try to divert you from your goal, thereby creating bad feelings that are worthless and rubbish. As the popular saying goes, “Don’t get mad, get even”. Hence, take those bad feelings as a challenge and make efforts to minimize them. Whenever you feel someone is trying to pull you back, work twice hard and prove them wrong.
Do Not Procrastinate
Once you have set goals for yourself, do not make excuses to delay them, else you will never be able to achieve them. Never let procrastination come in your way of accomplishing the tasks. The best way of keeping it at bay is to start working on the goals immediately. Break down the goals into small bits to make them easily achievable.
Share Your Goals
Family and friends are the best motivators to look on. Thus, tell and discuss about your goals with these people, as they help you to continuously stay inspired and dedicated. By sharing your dreams and aspirations to your near and dear ones, you will be motivating yourself to achieve the set goals since you would never want to let down these people.
Stay Positive
In case you are finding it hard to stay focused on your goals, the best way is to stay optimistic and positive towards reaching the final line. Confidence and optimism serve as your best friends in your tough and rough times. Spend adequate time with family and friends who themselves are positive and motivated. People who are discouraging and pessimistic should be kept at distance.
Reward Yourself
The best and perfect way to keep motivating yourself is by rewarding yourself on completing a particular task. Conquering small battles is the best motivation secret for moving on to the next goal. Through rewarding and congratulating yourself, you are increasing your self-esteem. Hence, self motivation gets easier and attainable.

Characteristics Of A Healthy Personality

Characteristics Of A Healthy Personality


We often hear people comment that a certain person has a great personality or that he needs to develop one. A personality is a combination of all the small factors that add up to make a person’s mental constitution. Having a healthy personality plays a key role in defining the person who wields it. The key to having a healthy personality is to strike a balance with all the elements that make up day to day life. On the face of it, a person with a healthy personality is cheerful and does not get stressed easily. A healthy personality will enable a person to think clearly and with reason when everyone else is following a convention. People with a healthy personality have strength of character and have individuality of their own. If a person displays a healthy personality, it indicates that he or she is in good mental health and can be trusted to conduct themselves in a respectable manner and set good examples to follow. The greatest plus point about having a healthy personality is that it allows for a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Traits Of A Health Personality
  • A person with a healthy personality has the ability to adapt to his or her social environment.
  • A healthy personality allows the person to be a good listener and a better advisor. It also enables a person to be able to understand others easily.
  • A person with a healthy personality will have a lot of common sense and will display presence of mind when it comes to solving problems (big and small).
  • A person with a healthy personality will not follow convention without due cause. The healthy personality lets the person be comfortable with whom they are and the way they look.
  • A healthy personality ensures that a person takes great care of his outward appearance and always presents himself with dignity.
  • A healthy personality is magnetic and attracts other to it. A person with a healthy personality will always display a positive attitude and be cheerful.
  • When faced with a personal tragedy, a healthy personality allows a person to overcome the tragedy without falling prey to depression and contempt. Healthy personalities are also indicative of emotional stability. It also allows people to be able to express themselves without hesitation or offence.
  • A healthy personality allows a person to function well independently and as part of a team.
  • The healthy personality enables a person to see others for who they are to be able to handle them accordingly.
  • People with health personalities do not feel the need to make everyone conform to their views.
  • A healthy personality is also displayed in a person’s desire to stay healthy (physically).
It is not impossible and never too late to develop a healthy personality, especially when it can help in your personal growth.

Easy Ways To Change Your Image

Easy Ways To Change Your Image

Ever thought about changing certain undesirable characteristics that have become part of your personality or appearance? Changing an image that has been inculcated over the years requires a certain amount of determination and will power. The right way to go about would be to look within you and determine what characteristics require to be polished and what needs to be changed, added, or suppressed to make you feel more confident and good about yourself. Different people in different environments require different changes or makeovers to their images to suit the environment they are in. Therefore, it is recommended that you first ascertain what type of a makeover you would prefer, be it a student’s profile or that of a professional in a work force. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you go about an image makeover:
How To Change Your Image 
  • You need to have an image of you in your head and zero in on the traits that make you feel uncomfortable on the inside or the outside. You also need to figure out how you would like to feel on the inside before you start thinking about changes you could make on the outside.
  • You need to look for people with strong traits and whether any of those traits appeal to you. Opting for a softer or a tougher outlook on life, to be a more compelling personality or to be less imposing are all examples of what you could want to change in yourself.
  • An image makeover does not work overnight unless you are only thinking of a fabulous hairdo when you’re talking about an image makeover. If the change is sudden and drastic, you will come across as someone who is trying too hard to change the way they are, which need not always work in your favor. Look for traits that you would like to change in yourself and remind yourself occasionally to change that particular character flaw.
  • Look for traits in people you admire, and try to emulate these characteristics into your personality. It is recommended that before emulating be absolutely certain that the particular trait is a desirable one.
  • The way you look on the outside can influence the way you feel on the inside. Sometimes a simple hairdo or a change in wardrobe can make you more confident, and might even change attitudes that others have towards you. Look for those particular traits that you are particularly dissatisfied with and opt for a change. You never know what wonders it might do for your social life.
  • If you feel that, your clothes don’t do justice to the rest of your personality, step out and look for clothes you feel comfortable in and that will boost your self esteem. How you look on the outside will almost always mirror the reactions towards you. Choose clothes that flatter your body type, make sure the eyes of the person in front of you sweep up to your face and stay there.
  • After you have followed all the above steps, make sure you walk with confidence, and remember what you are trying to change about yourself. There is no point in changing your hairstyle and your wardrobe if you still maintain your old image in your mind.
  • Once you have changed certain characteristics of your old self, be it your make-up, hairdo, wardrobe or something as complex as the pattern of your conversation, always keep in mind that you are a more attractive and sophisticated person than you previously were.

How To Make Powerful First Impression

How To Make Powerful First Impression


While it is wrong to judge a person just by his/her dress or demeanor, not many of us can resist the temptation of overplaying our aptitude and tagging someone as posh, punk, hippie, or hottie in the very first look? Good or bad, we all tend to get swayed by the first impression, and no matter how much we may deny going with the cliché, it is true that first impression does count. Sometimes a quick three seconds is all it takes to build or kill credibility and create that first big impression. Thus, it is important to put your best foot forward to get the game going in your favor. When meeting new people, it is important that you put your best self across. For this you essentially need to have a pleasant demeanor. If you don’t have one, at least you can learn to feign it convincingly to make a compelling impression. Dig more on how to make powerful first impression with the following tips. Read on to get smart.
Tips To Make Great First Impression
  • There comes a time when our destiny rides high on the impression we make and little else succeeds in making that power-packed quick impression like a 1000-watt smile. Nothing makes a more sure-footed statement than a warm, unfeigned, cordial smile that arrests all interest and gives one an edge over any situation. What's more, it helps to break the ice, set all differences straight, creates an aura of ease and comfort and puts one in a win-win situation. So, the next time you head for a quick appointment or an interview, just remember to wear that smile on.
  • As it is rightly said, you never get a second chance to make a first impression, thus, you cannot afford to look away when the opportunity strikes. Eye-contact is one of the few things that extend an indelible impression. An eye-to-eye interaction not only testifies one’s confidence and reliability, but also adds to one’s charm and opens channels of communication. A strong stare or looking away when interacting with the other person can leave one in a sticky situation.
  • Wear colors compatible with your basic coloring. Human beings are one of two colorations: warm or cool. People with warm coloring look best in yellow-based colors like gold, warm reds, golden browns and rich ivory. People with cool coloring look best in blue-based colors like blues, greens and winter white. Your eye, hair and skin tone would help you determine whether you are cool or warm, which would further assist you in determining what colors look best on you!
  • When looking to make that first big impression, it’s only wise that you put your best foot forward and get your outfit right. Dress to impress is the new age adage to that fabulous first impression. While evolving fashion has left us with plenty of options to dabble with, it is important to underplay your fashion sense at time and be sensible with what you wear for an interview, a business meeting or just a casual date. The right colors can be flattering to your persona and can make a killer impression. Dress modestly, and yes strictly avoid jaded jeans, hot pants, wrinkled shirt and worn-out fabrics at all costs.
  • A punch line can make or mar your impression. Thus, it is important to choose your words correctly. A warm pleasantry may not be pleasant if done in the wrong way. Also, steer clear of mindless babblings, slangs or too much of a colloquial verve, to avoid leaving a wrong impression. Pitch your tone properly, enunciate rightly and speak fluently and clearly to make a deep-seated impression. And yes, be polite at all costs!
  • It’s easy to be a good speaker, but it takes some skills to be a listener. Paying heed to others can put you up in the ladder and create a good name. Remember to nod or chime your head in agreement, a gesture that is likely to be appreciated by the speaker. Also, remember to ask questions to reveal signs of authentic interest. However, make sure you never interrupt the person, when he/she is speaking.

How To Overcome Shyness With Women

How To Overcome Shyness With Women

Shyness is a wasted emotion, best left to ‘little’ girls. Shyness is a way of avoiding conflicts, wherein you sit back in the shadows and wait for life to happen to you rather than making a life of your own. Remember, if you do not take charge of the events that happen in your life, no one will. Talking about shyness, one of the most popular situations wherein shyness dominates the scenario is when a guy wants to talk to a girl. Often, men take a step backward and prefer to admire the girl from miles behind rather than going ahead and talking to them. If you are also one amongst them, who knows you might end up losing your dream girl to some other guy. Do you have a constant fear of being rejected by the woman of your dreams? If yes, then fret not. All this is just due to the lack of confidence, which is very essential while approaching a woman. Let out that side of yourself that you had always been too afraid to examine. Read on further to find some tips to help you overcome your shyness among women and build your confidence.
Tips For Overcoming Shyness With Girls
Emphasize Your Positives
Most shy guys focus on things that they do not possess, thereby ignoring their positive qualities. A simple way to overcome shyness would be by concentrating on your positive attributes. This would give a boost to your confidence and self-esteem. Try your hand at learning new things, such as a foreign language or a new sport. New hobbies add a new dimension to your personality thereby enhancing your overall being.
Proceed Steadily
Take small steps to approach girls to overcome your shyness. You have just spotted a cute girl in your college and are dying to talk to her, but do not have the courage to do so! Pass a simple smile and say a “hi”. Gradually, get hold of some topics to talk with girls and begin your conversation with her. You can start off with questioning her something that will trigger some response from her side.
Be Prepared To Be Rejected
On the road to overcoming shyness, remember that you are likely to be rejected many a times, which you should accept with honor. Even the jaw-dropping, handsome guys have experienced failure, so you are no exception. Accept this situation of being rejected as a learning experience. Since women have their personal reasons for rejecting men, do not get depressed. Instead, try to figure out what incorrect actions of yours made them take such a step. Also, while approaching women, do not expect to get their personal contacts or convince them to come on a date at the very first meeting. Concentrate on your conversation and overcome your shyness with them initially.
Practice Talking to Women
The best way to overcome shyness with women is to practice talking to them. You can look up to women from different age groups at different places, like library, grocery shop, etc. Have small conversations without focusing on whether they will talk to you or ignore you. This will help you in getting rid of your shyness and will increase your confidence level.
Learn To Listen
Since shy men do not know what to talk about with women, they often end up talking about themselves most of the times. Note, this is simply not acceptable by women folks and they are likely to find it boring. Hence, improve your learning skills and figure out different topics to talk with them. You can question them on their family, friends, interests, etc. to get them involved in the conversation.
Socializing can be another way of improving your self esteem and confidence, thereby overcoming shyness. Join a gym, a hobby club, participate in team activities or become a part of large groups. At such places, you will meet a number of people where you can interact with them. You will also find girls that share similar interests as yours. Make the most of this opportunity and talk to them.

What Your Handshake Says About You

What Your Handshake Says About You


Body language is one of the forms of communication that makes use of various body areas or parts to convey a message. A handshake is one such gesture that is used to greet others, meet new people or close a deal or agreement. The way we shake hands shows the kind of a person we are. It conveys power, confidence, character and professionalism. Did you know that a lot can be deduced about a person from a single handshake? While a firm handshake with the hand facing downwards and arm extended shows that you are confident, a hand pointing upwards is a weak handshake thereby indicating that you are shy, uncomfortable or nervous. Read on further to know what our handshake says about us.
What Does Your Handshake Mean
Flabby Handshake
A flabby handshake is made by a person who is a pessimist. Also known as a limp-fish handshake, this is considered as the most unimpressive handshakes among all.
Prison Handshake
A person making a prison handshake will offer a firm hand keeping your hand in his for a long duration, not willing to give it back to you. People making such a handshake seem to be expecting something from your side.
Robot Handshake
A robot handshake is one that is offered automatically without any noticeable thought or feeling. This simply shows that the person is simply not interested and is indifferent towards you.
Jackhammer Handshake
People who are a little inflexible tend to make a jackhammer handshake as they think that their way is the right one, come what may. They will make a dynamic and forceful handshake indicating their power and determination.
Squeezing Handshake
People who tend to show their strength and power make a squeezing handshake. This is done to cover up their feelings of diffidence. Some people assume this handshake to be a sexual connotation.
Next-to-the-body Handshake
People who are not willing to take risks, such as politicians, make a next-to-the-body handshake. This is made by keeping the arm close to the body and bending it only at the elbow to perform a handshake.
Normal Handshake
A normal handshake is one that is made briefly and firmly. To convey confidence and professionalism, this is the best handshake to execute.
Queen’s Handshake
A person who offers his fingers, instead of his palm for making a handshake is said to be making a Queen’s handshake. This handshake indicates a sense of superiority. 

Public Speaking Skills

Public Speaking Skills


King of bollywood, Shahrukh Khan gave tips on public speaking to all, by saying, “My first rule of public speaking…if you don’t strike oil in 3 minutes…stop boring!” The ability to deliver a great speech in public is the skill, which is highly regarded. Just the knowledge of the subject is not enough to make your speech a success. There are many more ingredients to it. It’s the ability to inform and keep the audience interested, which marks the success of speech. Think of the last memorable talk or presentation you attended. So, do you have to rack your brains to remember one? Sadly, most talks are easy to forget because they lack the impact, necessary for making it memorable for audience. A great public speaker has the power to spellbind the audience, invoke emotions, and even trigger reactions from them. Mastering the art of public speaking is easy for some, while it’s a challenge for others. While some are born with this trait, others can develop it by acquiring certain skills. Here are some pointers, which will help you understand and acquire the skills needed for public speaking.
Essential Public Speaking Skills
Understand What You Want To Achieve 
Before you start working on your speech or presentation, it’s important to keep in mind the following:
Who? - Who here stands for audience. What kind of audience you are addressing to? By answering this question, you will determine the objective of your talk keeping in perspective the audience. If your audience consists of school students, your priority should be to keep the content of your speech simple and interesting so that your audience can grasp it well.  
What? – What here stands for what you wish to communicate via your talk or speech? If you are giving a talk on air pollution then you should mark down the topics you would like to cover under this, like causes, effects, and remedies of air pollution.
Why? In order to convert your audience into dedicated listeners, you need to know why they should listen to you. You should communicate to your audience, why you are speaking on the topic, and why it’s important for them to listen.Your audience should understand, that what you are speaking is something valuable and will be useful for them.
How? – How here stands for understanding the best way you can communicate your message. In this, the kind of language you will use will play an important role. Use language, which is simple and easy to grasp by your audience. The next important step, you need to do is to plan a beginning, middle, and the end of the content. You should follow a logical pattern, whenever you are speaking on a topic. If you are speaking about air pollution then it’s important to make audience aware about its causes before jumping to effects.
When? It is important for you to develop a sense of timing, when delivering a speech. While giving a speech, take effective pauses to make sure, that what you are speaking is being heard and absorbed by the audience. 
Vital Public Speaking Skills 
  • Before beginning on a topic on which you have to give a speech, it is important to research the topic well. Good speakers always research before conveying their message. 
  • When it comes to wording your message, less is always more. There might be a variety of aspects to the topic you are dealing with but you can’t cover all in your short speech so give main points or highlights of the topic to your audience. If you are using slides in your presentation then limit the content of each slide to a few bullet points.
  • Add facts, quotations, and statistics, to your speech. However, just don’t include them for the sake of using. They should effectively complement your ideas.
  • For your audience to grasp the idea easily, it’s a good idea to add humor, stories, which connect well to your core idea. Or convey your idea wrapped in the form of story. Stories are easy to understand and are loved by all.
  • Always remember that your opening words and closing words make the most of the impact on the audience. If your opening words are unable to bind the audience then you lose half the battle. Same is the case with the closing words. They should make an impact on the audience and force them to think on the topic you have just spoken about. So, while making a presentation, pay as much attention to opening and closing words as you pay to the body of the speech.
  • While making a speech or presentation, it’s very important to connect with the audience. Your first step is to maintain an eye contact with the audience while delivering the speech. Your second step should be to interact with the audience. Ask questions to your audience, this will open the channel of discussion and your audience will get involved. 
Unforgettable Delivery
You can make your speech or presentation unforgettable, if you follow these useful tips:
  • Understand the purpose of presentation.
  • Be precise and concise.
  • Use examples to bring key points of your speech to life.
  • Don't talk too fast, when delivering the speech. Pauses play an effective role. 
  • Use a variety of vocal pace, tone, voice, and volume. This will make your speech effective.
  • Don't stay stuck behind a podium. It’s essential to keep your body up-beat.

How To Become A Mentally Stronger Person

How To Become A Mentally Stronger Person

Just as we exercise our physical body, it is essential to make efforts to improve our mental and emotional health too. This strengthens our resiliency to bounce back when we are confronted by hefty problems and issues. Rightly said, “laughter is the best medicine” - because if you can laugh at yourself, you can find humor even when some things go awry. Staying mentally strong is not difficult, all that matters is the choice you make. You need to have a positive attitude towards people and life. Remember, you need more energy to worry and fret, than what is required to remain optimistic and hopeful. Read on further to know how you can become a mentally stronger person and stay mentally fit.
Ways To Stay Mentally Sharp & Strong
Exercise Your Mind
Sharpen up your brain by doing simple tricks, such as using your less dominant hand, solving puzzles and riddles, writing a short story, or even reading a book on a new subject.
Reduce Stress
Firstly, detect the source of your stress, and then discover healthy coping mechanisms to overcome the same. Eliminate unnecessary stressors and accept situations that you have no control over. Develop and implement relaxation techniques that will work for you.
Increase Self-esteem
Think wisely and speak more positively about yourself. View all challenging situations coming your way as opportunities, be proactive and decisive about your life and engage in active listening. Choose to talk about your progress and not your troubles and set boundaries for yourself wherever necessary.
Improve Coping Skills
Have a positive attitude, believe in yourself and create your life well. Just because you do not want to deal with something, do not avoid it, instead face it and feel the importance of what you are doing. Frequently compare yourself with your own progress in the past and not with someone else’s.
Be Resilient
Make it a habit to bounce back from negative situations and throw out thoughts that no longer serve your purpose or are of no use to you. Maintain a sense of humor and work on your productivity.
Build Strong Support System
Engage with or choose people who have a positive attitude and keep away from the ones who drain your energy. Develop a network of people that help you remain motivated and aligned with passion and purpose.
Tap Into Your Creative Genius
Start thinking out of the box and view situations from different perspectives. Honor your natural talents, passion and abilities by indulging into writing, dancing, drawing, knitting or woodworking.
Appeal To All Your Senses
When dealing with new material in your life, use your abilities, of taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing, before narrowing down to a decision. Use your imagination and instincts to examine problems and solutions. Analyze and work on a challenge by drawing pictures, writing, researching, and so on.
Enjoy Leisure Activities
Engage yourself in fun activities that bring you joy, by scheduling out time from your routine. You can try downtime activities that are inexpensive, such as bike-riding, going to the library, and renting funny movies.
Spend Some Time Alone
Spend some positive time in solitude, not loneliness. Analyze yourself, do a life review and determine what’s out of balance and what can be done to correct it. Try strengthening the relationship you have with yourself.

How To Think Like A Millionaire

How To Think Like A Millionaire


What separates extremely successful people from the unsuccessful ones is nothing but, their different thinking. Millionaires make millions not by some sheer stroke of good fortune, but by their superior thinking and strategic planning. If your goal is to retire as a millionaire, you will have to train your mind to think like the big shots. Unless you really learn what millionaires think and how they strategize, you will have trouble making heaps of money. This article brings you some valuable tips on how to think like a millionaire. Read on to know what it takes to have a millionaire’s mind.
Thinking Like A Millionaire
Think Long Term
Successful people have a tendency to think long term and invest in the future. Once a long term goal or objective has been visualized, you need to adjust your daily behavior accordingly to ensure that those goals are achieved well in time. People who have made astronomical sums of money have worked hard to climb the monetary ladder. You have to think of the long term consequences of the decision that you are taking at the moment and then take a final call.
Think Positive & Be Confident
Have you ever tried to find out how many skeptics have become millionaires? Just a handful! People who believe in themselves know how to take calculated risks and failures do not thwart their way. The biggest difference between successful and normal people is a positive thinking mind and a confident personality. Smart minds know when to hit the nail right on the head. Be a positive thinker and plan you strategies while calculating the risks. 
Delay Gratification
The feeling of fulfillment doesn’t come easy to millionaires or they would have never made millions in the first place. Don’t allow yourself to gloat on the initial gains and feel gratified. Train your mind to ask for more. While you should not lose yourself in the quest of success or money, it is important that you don’t feel satiated with what you have achieved so far. Always remember that there are miles to go before you sleep!
Discipline Your Thought-Process 
Thinking like a millionaire involves disciplining your mind and thought process. There are many people who think big, but very few who actually make it big. This is where disciplining your mind is factored in. A disciplined mind will delay gratification and keep you focused on your goals. A structured and well-organized thought process will help you to develop a futuristic perspective, just the way millionaires have it!
Decide The Limit
Your mind knows your limitations, although you are certainly not bound by them. Thinking like a millionaire doesn’t imply that you will have millions in your treasury in just a matter of days. Success will come hard and you will have to face testing situations. Think over where you want to set the limit and to what extent will you stretch yourself to realize your dreams. You don’t need to think like a millionaire to set your limit, as there are a few things that your own mind will tell you better.
