Sunday, March 24, 2013

How To Overcome Shyness With Women

How To Overcome Shyness With Women

Shyness is a wasted emotion, best left to ‘little’ girls. Shyness is a way of avoiding conflicts, wherein you sit back in the shadows and wait for life to happen to you rather than making a life of your own. Remember, if you do not take charge of the events that happen in your life, no one will. Talking about shyness, one of the most popular situations wherein shyness dominates the scenario is when a guy wants to talk to a girl. Often, men take a step backward and prefer to admire the girl from miles behind rather than going ahead and talking to them. If you are also one amongst them, who knows you might end up losing your dream girl to some other guy. Do you have a constant fear of being rejected by the woman of your dreams? If yes, then fret not. All this is just due to the lack of confidence, which is very essential while approaching a woman. Let out that side of yourself that you had always been too afraid to examine. Read on further to find some tips to help you overcome your shyness among women and build your confidence.
Tips For Overcoming Shyness With Girls
Emphasize Your Positives
Most shy guys focus on things that they do not possess, thereby ignoring their positive qualities. A simple way to overcome shyness would be by concentrating on your positive attributes. This would give a boost to your confidence and self-esteem. Try your hand at learning new things, such as a foreign language or a new sport. New hobbies add a new dimension to your personality thereby enhancing your overall being.
Proceed Steadily
Take small steps to approach girls to overcome your shyness. You have just spotted a cute girl in your college and are dying to talk to her, but do not have the courage to do so! Pass a simple smile and say a “hi”. Gradually, get hold of some topics to talk with girls and begin your conversation with her. You can start off with questioning her something that will trigger some response from her side.
Be Prepared To Be Rejected
On the road to overcoming shyness, remember that you are likely to be rejected many a times, which you should accept with honor. Even the jaw-dropping, handsome guys have experienced failure, so you are no exception. Accept this situation of being rejected as a learning experience. Since women have their personal reasons for rejecting men, do not get depressed. Instead, try to figure out what incorrect actions of yours made them take such a step. Also, while approaching women, do not expect to get their personal contacts or convince them to come on a date at the very first meeting. Concentrate on your conversation and overcome your shyness with them initially.
Practice Talking to Women
The best way to overcome shyness with women is to practice talking to them. You can look up to women from different age groups at different places, like library, grocery shop, etc. Have small conversations without focusing on whether they will talk to you or ignore you. This will help you in getting rid of your shyness and will increase your confidence level.
Learn To Listen
Since shy men do not know what to talk about with women, they often end up talking about themselves most of the times. Note, this is simply not acceptable by women folks and they are likely to find it boring. Hence, improve your learning skills and figure out different topics to talk with them. You can question them on their family, friends, interests, etc. to get them involved in the conversation.
Socializing can be another way of improving your self esteem and confidence, thereby overcoming shyness. Join a gym, a hobby club, participate in team activities or become a part of large groups. At such places, you will meet a number of people where you can interact with them. You will also find girls that share similar interests as yours. Make the most of this opportunity and talk to them.

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